DEKALB, Ill. -- We want to share about our great experience at IMSA (Illinois Math and Science Academy) near NIU in Aurora, Illinois, on April 15, 2011. We arrived at 9 in the morning and were there until 4 p.m. IMSA is one of the top 20 high schools in the United States, a very good school! While we were there, we attended classes with the students: biology, history, mathematics, computer science, and statistics. This was a new experience for us learning about education in the U.S.A.

While we were at IMSA, we played some games with some of the students.

We get a lot of new friends from there too, we spent times with them from studying, lunch, and played some games together, they are so friendly and kind.
We liked every part of this school, especially its education system with high technology and friendship of the students. We will not forget our great experience at IMSA.
Citra Kaigere (Indonesia) and Parinda (Ploy) Keocamsuk (Thailand)
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